
Monday, June 24, 2013

South Texas Sliders on Hawaiian Rolls

1 lb Ground Sirloin or Ground Turkey (to reduce fat)
1/4 tsp Black Pepper
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (optional )
1 tsp garlic powder 
1 tsp parsley flakes
1 tbls minced onions 
1/2 tsp salt
Hawaiian rolls
condiments:Sweet pickle relish,  mustard, ketchup,mayo or dressing

Mix all ingredients together and form into small patties add a small amount of oil to pan and pan fry on medium heat till well done place in rolls with sweet pickle relish,  mustard,ketchup , mayo or favorite dressing and cheese 


Marissa said...

Oh my goodness that does look tasty... Oh but, how I need to loose weight...

Sylli-Designs said...

Lol me too ! But they are sooo good

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